Family Mediation Grimsby

John Barkers Family Mediation Grimsby Service is for couples who are divorcing, separating or already separated, grandparents and other family members.

Our experienced family mediator is completely impartial and can help you make arrangements for children, property and finance. Mediation puts you very much in control of making your own decisions and compared with going to court, it can be quicker, more effective and lower in cost. John Barkers offer competitive fixed fees for the mediation process.

Our Mediator Adrian Coggon, is Accredited in Financial and Children cases by the Family Mediation Council and is also a member of Resolution, a national organisation of Family Law Professionals.

Call us now on: 01472 358686

Adrian Coggon runs our Family Mediation Team. Adrian is an experienced Family Mediator and Family Solicitor who deals with Child Arrangements, Property and Finance and All Issues mediation. Adrian is accredited by the Family Mediation Council to carry out All Issues Family Mediation cases. Adrian is well regarded in the local area, helping families in the Grimsby, Cleethorpes, Scunthorpe, Hull and wider Lincolnshire region.

Family Mediation Grimsby Specialist Solicitors

We strive to create an atmosphere of collaboration and amicability as we help our clients reach mutually beneficial agreements without the need for drawn-out court proceedings or pricey legal fees. In addition, we also provide affordable payment plans so that anyone can access our services regardless of their financial situation.

What is a MIAM? (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting)?

If you think you would like to consider family mediation as a way of resolving issues with your former partner, you can arrange to see a family mediator for a MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting).

A MIAM is a meeting with a family mediator which lasts for up to 45 minutes. You can explain your situation and the mediator will work out with you whether mediation is suitable and safe. A MIAM can be arranged either as a one to one meeting with mediator or jointly involving you, your former partner and the mediator.

At the end of this session if you want to proceed, and the mediator agrees it is suitable, we will try and contact the other party and invite him or her to come in for a MIAM, if a joint MIAM has not taken place. If you both wish to proceed, we will then arrange joint mediation session. If the other party does not respond or does not wish to mediate, we can sign the form/s you need for court.

What happens at a family mediation session?

In mediation sessions you will sit down in a room with the other party (or separate rooms of required) with our family mediator. The mediator will help you to discuss arrangements for children and/or property or finances. You will both have a chance to speak and be heard and express your wishes and feelings. The mediator is completely independent.

Where you reach an agreement, the mediator will record this and write up this up, this document is known as a Memorandum of Understanding. It may take more than one mediation session to reach agreement depending on your situation

What is a Memorandum of Understanding?

For agreements on property and/or financial matters a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) can provided. This is not a legally binding document, but you can seek legal advice about going to court to make it legally binding.

What is Family Mediation?

  • The process encourages trust and helps to facilitate better communication for the future.
  • It is an alternative to a contested Court process. It allows you both to reach mutually beneficial proposals together.
  • Parents can make decisions on involvement childcare arrangements even though there is a separation. The process helps to reduce the negative impact of the divorce on the children and reduce conflict.
  • Family Mediation Grimsby encourages both parents to work on what they would both like to achieve which is a less stressful process than court.
  • It is often is a cheaper and quicker process than going to court.
  • The process takes place over several weeks so it is quicker than court proceedings where you could be waiting much longer for a first hearing date.
  • Family mediation is confidential and completely impartial.

Could family mediation help you?

We help clients all over the UK. Chat with one of our specialists today

Call now on 01472 358686