Uncontested Divorce: How to Simplify the Process and Save Time and Money

Divorce can be a challenging process, but opting for an uncontested divorce can make it much simpler and less expensive than a contested one. In the UK, an uncontested divorce means that both parties have agreed on all aspects of the divorce, including property division, child custody and support, and spousal support. If you and your spouse are on the same page about these issues, an uncontested divorce may be the best route to take.

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What is an Uncontested Divorce?

Uncontested divorce is an alternative to the traditional and often lengthy process of a regular divorce. In an uncontested divorce, both parties come to an agreement on all aspects of their separation with minimal court involvement and at a much lower cost than traditional divorce proceedings. Here are the main steps in the process.

1. Seek Legal Assistance

Even if you and your spouse agree on everything, it's important to have a lawyer to guide you through the legal process and ensure everything is done correctly. An experienced divorce lawyer can assist you in preparing the necessary documents and guarantee all legal requirements are met. Our expert Divorce team at John Barkers can help you with all aspects of your divorce.

2. Come to an agreement

The first step in an uncontested divorce is for each party to agree on matters such as division of assets, alimony and child custody. Here, the couple may use mediation services or attorneys to settle these issues before filing for the actual legal dissolution. Once the terms have been agreed upon and documented in writing, one spouse will file a petition for dissolution with the local family court. Because no conflict exists between the spouses, this document is generally straightforward and uncontested by either party.

3. Create a Divorce Settlement Agreement

Create a Divorce Settlement Agreement: This legally binding document outlines the terms of the divorce, including property division, child custody and support, and spousal support. Collaborating with a lawyer can help ensure the agreement is fair and legally sound.

4. File for Divorce

Upon filing the petition, the court will typically set a hearing date in which both parties must appear before a judge and confirm that they agree to all terms of their separation. This is done either through verbal testimony or by submitting affidavits from each spouse attesting to the agreement reached. Once this step is complete, the judge may then issue a final decree of divorce, signifying the successful completion of an uncontested divorce.

In Summary

Overall, an uncontested divorce can be faster and less costly than traditional divorce proceedings because there is no need for lengthy litigation and court hearings. It also allows couples to have more autonomy over their separation agreement since it does not rely on rulings from a third-party judge. Furthermore, it can also be more emotionally amicable as there is no need for hostile communication or aggressive posturing. Therefore, an uncontested divorce may be the best option for couples who are able to reach a consensus and amicably separate.